Privacy policy

In connection with your treatments here at the clinic, it is necessary for us to note
and process information about you.

1. What data do we process?

In connection with your treatment at the clinic, we note information about your health conditions for use in the journaling that we are obliged to carry out under health legislation. The specific rules can be found in the Authorization Act’s Chapter 6 and the Journal Order (Executive Order No. 1090 of July 28, 2016 on authorized health professionals’ patient records). In addition to the health information we note about you, we can receive health information about you from other health professionals, e.g., your doctor, according to the rules in the Health Act’s Chapter 9. The information is used for a good and safe treatment of you and the administrative functions associated with it. We are obliged to store your information securely and confidentially. We can also register other information about you for billing purposes. This information is noted with the authority in the Data Protection Regulation’s Article 6, paragraph 1, litra b and f. We can also use your contact information for sending newsletters or other marketing initiatives. In that case, we first obtain your consent. This use takes place with the authority in the Data Protection Regulation’s Article 6, paragraph 1, litra a.

2. Disclosure of information

Under the Health Act, we have a duty of confidentiality regarding your health and other sensitive conditions, but if necessary, we can exchange your health information internally among our staff. Disclosure of health information outside the clinic may only take place with your consent as a starting point. In special cases, disclosure without consent can occur according to the rules in the Health Act. This will typically be to other health professionals, e.g., your own doctor. The specific rules for this can be found in Chapter 9 of the Health Act. The information we have registered for billing purposes is exchanged with payment intermediaries to the extent necessary to carry out the payments. If your treatment is fully or partially paid by others than yourself, e.g., your region or an insurance company, we will also disclose information about the treatment to the payer.

3. How long is the data stored?

Your journal is kept for the period of time determined by the Patient Safety Authority. The current period is 5 years from the last note in the journal, according to § 15, paragraph 2 of the Journal Order. In special cases, the journal can be kept longer. Information for billing purposes is kept as long as necessary for billing and bookkeeping purposes.

4. Your rights regarding the data

You can gain insight into what information we have registered about you by contacting us. According to § 24 of the Authorization Act, we are not allowed to delete information in your journal, but if you believe there are errors in the journal, you can ask for an addition to be made. For information not covered by the patient journal, you have the right to have incorrect information corrected or deleted. You also have the right to ask us to stop processing such information about you.

5. Complaint

Complaints about our processing of your personal data can be submitted to
Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 5th floor, 1300 Copenhagen K. . You can find more information about the Data Inspectorate at Supervision of the rules in health legislation is carried out by the Patient Safety Authority. You can find the authority’s contact information at