Fusion Pilates Class Schedule

Here you’ll find an overview of all our Fusion Reformer classes. Classes marked with ENG are taught in English.

Reformer Flow Basic intro: We start with an introduction to the reformer, followed by a flow basic class.

Reformer Flow Basic:The Basic class is ideal for beginners or those who want to build a solid basic understanding of Flow Reformer training. In these classes, the pace is more moderate and the resistance is adjusted so that you build up strength gradually.

Reformer Flow Advanced:For the more experienced and advanced training enthusiasts, we offer our flow advanced classes where the pace is faster and the exercises are more challenging. Here you can take your reformer Pilates workouts to the next level.

Reformer Strength: In a Reformer Strength class, you will train strength using dumbbells and of course the reformer. Level: advanced

Reformer Cardio: In a Fusion Reformer Cardio class, you’ll get your heart rate up while benefiting from everything the reformer can do. You’ll improve cardiovascular fitness and increase endurance. Level: advanced

Reformer X Barre: This class combines the full-body training effect of the Pilates reformer with the dynamic, dance-inspired movements of Barre. You’ll get a comprehensive reformer workout to tone and strengthen your entire body. Barre exercises are integrated into the routine, using the reformer jumpboard instead of a traditional ballet barre for standing exercises. We use equipment such as a Pilates ball, light weights and/or elastic bands.

We reserve the right to change the class schedule without further notice.